
Revenue Operations
October 07 | Blogs
Revenue Operations Guide: How RevOps Drives Growth
Estimated read time 3 min

Companies must transition from legacy to revenue operations or risk leaving profits on the table. While stakeholders may dispute with you, claiming that the old technique has always worked, and wonder why you need to alter, don’t let it bring you down.

These questions may have you on the fence about whether or not you should turn to RevOps. The reality behind the change for any growing SaaS business is that there are gaps in the marketing, sales, and customer journey. When you have these kinds of gaps, your customers feel them and it costs you revenue.

Revenue Operations Generates Revenue Growth for SaaS

It doesn’t matter how amazing your product is if the operations to market it are broken. Your company will not be able to deliver a seamless experience for customers, and they will notice.

Revenue Operations has demonstrated its ability to discover current holes in your pipeline that are causing gaps and unfavorable trends. This approach will also enable you to be proactive in the future, allowing you to identify gaps faster and rectify them before they have an impact on your revenue.

Benefits of RevOps

Revenue Operations was created so that business leaders could stop hoping for revenue and start operationalizing it across their entire organization. A conventional firm functions in silos, with each department handling its own tasks. These silos result in disjointed missions, misaligned analytics, and disconnected customer experiences.

The core needs with revenue operations include:

  • Management of operations across your sales, marketing, and service to make it more unified and efficient
  • Implementing marketing technology
  • Creating more connectivity in the customer experience

These three requirements are a means to improve client experiences, address operational inefficiencies, and address a lack of transparency so that your company can start earning more revenue.

Why RevOps Benefit SaaS

SaaS businesses are high-growth businesses, and departmental silos can stifle that growth. SaaS companies often make the mistake of focusing too much attention on role specialization within their Go-To-Market operations teams. Your team will develop a “not my job” mentality as a result of this concentration.

Another thing to avoid is recruiting more sales and marketing employees while forgetting to invest in your operations. Siloed operations teams have a ten percent influence on sales in a legacy paradigm. The majority of siloed operations teams are more concerned with KPIs and spend more time maintaining existing processes and systems rather than enhancing them.

Revenue Operations will increase revenue protection and creation by roughly 26%. Revenue Operations uses a holistic approach to innovating across GTM departments to support existing processes and technologies.

Churn should be monitored by all businesses, not just SaaS. This is a crucial metric for every company. To keep and grow clients, SaaS companies need incredible alignment throughout their GTM teams.

Successful SaaS organizations have already figured out how to incorporate customer input into their products to reduce turnover. The issue is a lack of discipline on the part of the revenue teams. When the real issue is lousy sales habits or a lack of a true customer success program, they usually blame the product.

Revenue Operations solves this challenge by allowing a company to achieve targets that it knows are doable but that it lacks the operational strategy to achieve.

Where to Learn More on How Your Business Can Implement RevOps to Drive Growth

Delegate augments your team as revenue operations (RevOps) admin-as-a-service, specializing in GTM systems and can help you start getting more value from business systems to grow your revenue. We have a unique on-demand strategy that eliminates the need for long-term contracts, allowing your teams to remain flexible and get the expertise they need. If you have any questions about how RevOps can help your SaaS business expand, reach out to one of our specialists.