
Best Practices , Salesforce
May 16 | Use Cases
SaaS Growth Strategy Makeover: Identify & Overcome Your Biggest Roadblocks
Estimated read time 6 min

The Global SaaS Market is projected to expand, reaching a substantial value of USD 720.44 Billion by the year 2028, a significant CAGR of 25.89% over the forecast period (2022 – 2028). The market’s impressive growth trajectory is poised to create promising opportunities and drive advancements in the technology landscape. However, with fierce competition and ever-evolving customer demands, IT SaaS companies need to optimize every aspect of their business to achieve sustainable growth. Here’s where Salesforce, a powerful CRM platform, comes in. But, simply implementing Salesforce isn’t enough. Many IT SaaS companies struggle to unlock their full potential due to a lack of optimization, leading to three critical challenges:

Challenge #1: Leaky Bucket – Losing Users and Revenue Due to Inefficiencies

Customer churn is a significant challenge for SaaS companies, resulting in a loss of revenue and impeding long-term growth. A study by Recurly Research, involving over 2000 businesses, indicates that a monthly churn rate of 5% could result in a significant loss of customers within a year, with nearly half of the existing customer base being affected. In other words, half of the revenue could be lost in a year. Despite variations in churn rates across industries, the revenue loss is significant. Acquiring a new customer can cost 5 to 25 times more than retaining an existing one, underscoring the importance of customer retention strategies.

A poorly optimized Salesforce platform can intensify or aggravate this problem by creating obstacles throughout the customer journey. Here are some specific ways in which a poorly optimized Salesforce platform can contribute to customer churn:

Friction in Onboarding:

  • A complex and time-consuming onboarding process can be overwhelming and discouraging for new customers.
  • Insufficient documentation and lack of guidance can lead to confusion and frustration.
  • Delays in setting up key features and integrations can hinder the customer’s ability to realize value quickly.

Lack of Personalized Engagement:

  • Without a clear understanding of customer needs and usage patterns, it’s difficult to deliver relevant and personalized communication.
  • Generic, one-size-fits-all marketing messages can appear impersonal and irrelevant.
  • Insufficient tracking of customer interactions can result in missed opportunities for proactive engagement.

Reactive Customer Service:

  • An inefficient Salesforce setup can make it challenging for customer service teams to track and manage customer issues effectively.
  • Long wait times, lack of self-service options, and insufficient knowledge of customer history can lead to dissatisfaction and frustration.
  • Slow response times can erode customer trust and confidence.
  • Insufficient automation can lead to manual workarounds and errors.

Solution: Streamlining the Customer Journey with Salesforce

  • Salesforce Lightning Flows: Automate repetitive tasks like user provisioning and welcome emails, creating a smooth onboarding experience.
  • Salesforce Einstein Analytics: Gain insights into customer behavior and usage patterns to personalize marketing messages and support interactions.
  • Salesforce Service Cloud: Empower your support team with a centralized platform for tracking and resolving customer issues, leading to higher satisfaction and reduced churn.

Challenge #2: Optimized Reporting and Analytics for SaaS Customer Health: A Key to Sustainable Growth

Customer health is crucial for sustainable growth and long-term profitability. For SaaS businesses, the Customer Health Score is a key metric that helps identify potential opportunities and target efforts toward the right users. This score enables SaaS companies to prioritize their resources effectively, ensuring they are providing the best possible customer experience and maximizing customer retention.

However, many SaaS companies face challenges in effectively monitoring and improving customer health because of a lack of optimized reporting and analytics tools.

1. The primary challenge lies in the sheer volume and complexity of data that needs to be analyzed. SaaS companies generate vast amounts of data from various sources, making it difficult to aggregate, clean, and organize the data into a meaningful format.

2. Another challenge stems from the need to translate raw data into actionable insights. Even with access to high-quality data, extracting meaningful patterns and trends can be daunting. SaaS companies need sophisticated analytics tools and techniques to uncover hidden insights that can inform strategic decision-making.

3. The importance of customer retention cannot be overstated. Even a marginal improvement in customer retention can result in a significant boost in profits. Therefore, SaaS companies need to prioritize the optimization of their reporting and analytics capabilities to harness actionable insights and drive customer retention, and further expansion and upsell.

4. Other factors contribute to the challenges in effectively monitoring and improving customer health. These factors include the volume and complexity of data, the need to translate raw data into actionable insights, and the lack of a holistic view of the customer.

Solution: To overcome these challenges, SaaS companies need to invest in robust data engineering capabilities, sophisticated analytics tools and techniques, and a customer-centric approach. By doing so, SaaS companies can gain a deeper understanding of their customers, identify at-risk customers, and develop proactive strategies to improve customer retention.

Challenge #3: Lack of cohesion among teams adversely impacts their ability to work efficiently.

SaaS companies often operate with siloed teams, with sales, marketing, customer success, and product operations working independently. This lack of collaboration can lead to several inefficiencies and missed opportunities.


A misalignment between internal teams can have substantial adverse effects on the business, such as:

Ineffective Lead Handoff:

  • Misalignment between sales and marketing teams can result in unqualified leads being passed to sales, leading to wasted sales effort and lower conversion rates.
  • Lack of effective lead qualification criteria and processes can contribute to low conversion at the top of the funnel.

Product Development Disconnect:

  • Without clear insights from customer feedback, product development teams may struggle to prioritize features that resonate with users.
  • Miscommunication between product and customer-facing teams can lead to products that don’t meet the needs of the market.
  • The lack of a central repository for customer feedback and insights further exacerbates this problem.

Limited Visibility into Customer Success:

  • Without a unified platform for tracking customer interactions across different teams, it’s difficult to identify at-risk customers and proactively address their needs.
  • This limited visibility can lead to customer churn and lost revenue.
  • Lack of centralized customer data makes it challenging to provide personalized support and build long-term relationships with customers.

Solution: Fostering Collaboration with Salesforce
Delegate consultants can help you bridge the gap between teams by leveraging Salesforce features like:

  • Salesforce Communities: Create a central hub where customers can connect with each other, access product documentation, and submit support tickets.
  • Salesforce Customer Success Platform: Gain a 360-degree view of your customer health and proactively identify potential churn risks, fostering long-term customer success.

These are three of the most common challenges that SaaS companies of all sizes face. Delegate helps clients like Flashpoint and Launchdarkly build their robust Salesforce CRM ecosystem that grows year over year.

Ready to Unlock the Full Potential of Salesforce for Your Business? Delegate helps you overcome your unique challenges and achieve your growth goals. Schedule an assessment today to discuss your specific needs and explore how Delegate can optimize your Salesforce platform for success!