
September 05 | Blogs
Elevate Your Game: The Power of Questions in the Age of AI
Estimated read time 2 min

Why it matters: With AI becoming an increasingly powerful tool in business, the art of asking the right questions is more critical than ever. We’ve all seen it: A Salesforce org becomes bogged down with specialty apps, clumsy automations, custom objects, and endless fields—the culprit? Solutioning before asking the right questions. In an AI-driven world, where the ability to generate answers is at an all-time high, the right questions aren’t just tools—they’re strategic levers for unlocking innovation and driving impact.

The insight: Stephen Shapiro’s book, Invisible Solutions, teaches us that overcoming challenges isn’t about having all the answers; it’s about asking the right questions. For Salesforce Admins, this means thinking strategically, especially in an AI-powered landscape, where questions can unlock deeper insights, fuel creativity, and lead to more innovative solutions.

Why Questions Are Even More Critical with AI

AI Excels at Answers, But Questions Drive Context AI can process vast amounts of data, generate answers, and even suggest solutions. However, without the right questions, these answers may miss the context or the specific nuances of your business challenges. Asking “What’s the actual problem we’re trying to solve?” ensures that AI-driven insights are aligned with real needs, rather than just data-driven assumptions.

Questions Refine AI Models AI models learn and adapt based on the questions they’re asked. Asking “What data do we need to answer this?” or “How can we leverage AI to uncover deeper insights?” not only guides AI in providing more relevant results but also helps refine its algorithms to be more accurate and context-aware over time.

Questions Clarify Human-AI Collaboration In the era of AI, the human role shifts from data crunching to strategic thinking. Asking questions like “What business outcomes are we aiming for?” or “How can AI support this decision-making process?” bridges the gap between human intuition and AI’s analytical power, ensuring that technology enhances, rather than replaces, human insight.

Start Asking AI-Driven Questions

Shift from Solutions to Exploration: Instead of jumping to AI-generated solutions, explore with questions. Ask, “What assumptions is the AI making?” or “How can AI help us see what we might be missing?” to drive deeper insights.

Reframe with AI in Mind: Questions like “What’s the simplest AI enhancement that could make the biggest impact?” can turn overwhelming AI projects into manageable steps, ensuring technology serves strategic goals.

Involve AI and Human Teams: Leverage collective intelligence by asking both AI and your human team, “What data is influencing this decision?” or “Who else could be impacted by this change?” This approach ensures comprehensive, well-rounded solutions.

Takeaway: As a Salesforce Admin in an AI-driven world, asking the right questions isn’t just essential—it’s transformative. Integrate the principles of Invisible Solutions and harness the power of AI by focusing on strategic questions that drive innovation, enhance decision-making, and create real value for your organization. Next time you face a challenge, start with a question and let AI help guide the answers.