119 Articles
We attract the best and hire the best Salesforce talent in the country.
We attract the best and hire the best Salesforce talent in the country.
Our administrators are continuously trained, backed by a Delegate community where administrators increase their skills and stay with you longer.
Whether it’s a single individual or a mash up of experts assigned to your team, you’ll always have the perfect Delegate for you and your business.
Salesforce is notorious for its “No Software” mantra. At Delegate, we say “No SOWs.” Your needs will change – we get that with our flexible contracts.
Quarterly reviews, weekly sprints, and real-time comms over Slack and email. We work at your speed.
Our expertise spans the entire Salesforce tech ecosystem.
Delegate Expertise
I like to say that Delegate is my premium support package for Salesforce. There’s always seasonality with the ebbs and flows of our business needs, and the flexible model Delegate offers is truly a game-changer.
Matt Sansone
Head of Sales Operations
Bringing in Delegate as a team of external experts, who can say here is what is not working and here is how we can make it better, was very valuable. It gave us more momentum to get this across the line.
Emma Auscher
Head of Customer Experience
Probo Medical
What we like is that they have really good, skilled developers who also have good interpersonal skills. They know not just what we need done but why and how to do it in a better way.
Jace Gentil
Director, Global Business Operations
The Delegate resource has been critical, allowing us to maintain our abilities and capabilities. That’s why they’ve been a trusted partner for over three years now.
Justin Rogers
VP Revenue Operations
Karat Financial
What we like is that they have really good, skilled developers who also have good interpersonal skills. They know not just what we need done but why and how to do it in a better way.
Matthew Dunlap
Head of Sales
119 Articles
No more restrictive SOWs, mind-numbing meetings, or missed deadlines.